The use of video is undisputedly one of the best media modes to engage people with and especially utilize in training. A study reports that over 58% of executives prefer watching a video to replying a text, another brings forward the claim that 55% of people pay closer attention to videos than in watching other media forms and other further reports that Over 90% of people retain memory when they watch videos than when they read. This means that more than half of the population of people would reap more benefits while using videos than without using them!
So what exactly are these benefits?
Why should trainers, tutors, coaches and in-house training and development professionals use them in their training materials? This article delves deep to answer these questions and more.
But First
A video may be described as a multimedia source that combines motion picture sequences as well as incorporated audio media to create an audiovisual representation of a concept. Professional video content therefore means an audiovisual representation of moving picture sequences of various issues related to a certain profession.
Which types of videos can be used by trainers?
The types of videos that are typically used by trainers include
1) Onboarding
These types of videos are used to integrate new employees or team members into a company and to socialize them effectively about a company’s employee and work culture.
2) Tutorials
Trainers-or tutors- can use tutorial professionally done tutorial videos to teach their students certain principles and concepts.
3) Explainer Videos
As the name suggests, an explainer video serves to explain. It is usually just a short video that briefly tells a story explaining the hows? Whys? And whats? Of a particular organization and its products and services,
4) Instruction Videos
These are basically made to instruct- teaching someone how to do a certain thing, or to essentially just share knowledge. Key tips on these types of videos are ensuring it is kept short, precise and straight to the point. The speaker should also ensure they look directly into the camera while speaking to ensure effective engagement with the audience.
5) Demonstrations
Also called Demo videos are used in the illustration of a process or of how something works, with the main aim of educating whoever is watching it. These videos are mostly used for products
6) Courses
These are in essence, just videos that contain professional lessons. They are therefore designed to teach. Therefore the layouts, audio tone and video quality should be placed in such a way that enables quick and easy understanding on the part of the learners.
The 9 Benefits of Using Professional Video Content in Training Materials
1) Increased memory retention and Concentration span
Over 90 % of individuals will retain memory in videos than in other media and the average web user reads less than 30% of the words in an average visit.Furthermore, the average concentration span of human beings has also been noted to have significantly reduced due to the internet wave, but the good news is that videos hold attention! Using professional video content in training will therefore not only capture the attention of your audience but also ensure that they will remember almost every detail of whatever it is they are learning.
2) Video data is easily accessible
Getting people together in a common room for a training session might prove to be a difficult task. The use of videos, however, serves to resolve this as people can easily access the media easily anywhere, anytime, from wherever they may be. When using videos alongside other teaching materials, videos will also be very accessible to the trainer as only a simple method of storage such as a CD or a Flash disc is required. The same videos can also be accessed by the trainees or the audience even after the session has ended from their phones and other devices and ...
with the average mobile phone user picking up their phone over 1500 times a day, there are more chances of them going through the taught materials and maximizing on what was learnt!
3) Enables the audience to connect emotionally to the content
It is said that the eyes are the windows to one’s soul. The use of video content not only engages audio, but also visual aspects of the concepts being taught and displayed. A well-presented professional video will therefore also end up appealing to the emotions of the viewer if the video has been made to do so. This is a crucial benefit especially in videos for onboarding of new employees as this goes to further ground them in their company’s belief and therefore essentially ends up breeding employee loyalty in them.
4) Fast and easy sharing
Video content entails a flow of pictures in motion and sound media, and may also contain written slides with audios in the background .Unlike in some methods such as using whiteboards which needs to be constantly erased or leaflets turned over, the flow in video content is continuous. It is therefore shared from the trainer to the audience fast and consistently, therefore not allowing any second to break the attention of the audience. Sharing of the media from one person to another is also an easy task to undertake in this age of technological advancement. The media can be passed on from one person to another within the click- or tap of a button! Use of traditional methods of training such as the use of notes would require people to meet first, before the sharing and exchange can occur.
5) Flexibility
The material that can be covered by video content is very flexible. From word an text, pictures, graphics and even animations.These can easily be customized by the trainer to appeal to their specific audience and ensure maximum benefits are imparted on the receiver. Video content is also very flexible in terms of how it can be presented and even where- whether individuals will be require to be together while the video content is being disseminated or whether it will be sent to whichever location they may be at.
6) It cuts on the training costs
Using professional video content in training material has proven to be a very cost-effective method to use.Money that would be used on travel, accommodation, food and other stipends can be allocated elsewhere and be put to better use while ensuring the trainer and trainer get to have what they need! This because with the use of video content as a training tool, they need not meet to get this done. Other resources that would have to be used such as writing materials are also foregone therefore saving the organization money.
7) It saves on training time
Time as a resource is very crucial as Benjamin Franklin once said, Time is Money and therefore the more time that can be saved for other activities the better. Use of videos as a training tool helps us to manage this essential resource in various ways, for example, The video length can be customized to fit the specific time frame that is required for the training, that is, if the required training time is one hour; a one-hour long video is created to cover the content and ensure not a minute more is wasted.Videos will also save time through the important fact that they also ensure that people do not have to congregate in one place to be trained. Therefore, traveling time, settling time and even time for in between breaks is saved.
8) Videos are Interesting
They utilize storytelling techniques, animations and audio sounds which are interesting and catch the attention of the viewers. This will ensure they get to focus on the material being delivered and fully grasp the concepts therein. When used alongside other training material, they serve to break monotony, pique interest and prevent boredom to the trainees.
9) Beneficial for visual learners
With approximately 65% of learners being visual, the other being Auditory, Read/Write and Kinesthetic, the number of visual learners is expected to be higher at any particular session. Using video content is therefore essential for these kinds of learners. In addition, video content is not only beneficial to visual learners but also auditory ones- as the sound is incorporated in videos; and read/write learners as well because videos could sometimes be made to contain written word and text.
Using video content is a very beneficial method of training with the benefits of cutting across to both the trainers and the individuals receiving the training. Care should, however, be taken to ensure the videos being created are professionally done and of good quality. Trainers should also ensure the video content is effectively customized to suit the needs of their trainees or audience and also not compromise on the quality of the produced work.